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Hair clips with velvet bows - set of 4
Hair clips with velvet bows - set of 4 1 Hair clips with velvet bows - set of 4 2 Hair clips with velvet bows - set of 4 3

Hair clips with velvet bows - set of 4


Set of 4 white, black, pink, purple

Width of the bows approx. 6 cm

Any questions? Write to us!

Price: incl. VAT
€ 4.90 *
Content 1 piece
Price: incl. VAT
in stock
  • 100 days return policy
  • Free shipping*
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Any questions? Write to us!


These cute little velvet bows are easy to insert and remove and stay in place even in the finest hair. Look great in combination but can also be worn individually. Set of 4 white, black, pink, purple

  • EU Verantwortlicher
  • tanzmuster GmbH
  • Gewerbeparkring 2, 15299 Müllrose, Germany
  • service@tanzmuster.de
  • 033606-779250
  • Manufacturer
  • tanzmuster
  • Gewerbeparkring 2, 15299 Müllrose, Germany
  • service@tanzmuster.de
  • 033606-779250


Set of 4 white, black, pink, purple

Width of the bows approx. 6 cm

Is often purchased with...

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